Anniversary Ticker

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

LOOK!!!! I am blogging again!!!

Robyn gave me this idea! I have huge opinion, so this should be easy!
1. I can sing, and act!
2. I can talk to anyone, anytime... not to shy....
3. I can listen, I love to hear what is happening to those I care about....
4. I can love.... sometimes to much, and to well!
5. I can appreciate, I love to watch others perform
6. I can learn, and change! No matter how painful it may be at times! ha ha ha
7. I can fit my fist in my mouth, milk a goat, drive a tractor, and laugh REALLY loudly
1. I can't speak a foreign language..... yet.....
2. I can't watch anyone I love get hurt, I come out swinging!
3. I can't dance very well.... I just pretend, and fling myself around the stage!
4. I can't stand being cold! I get so crabby!!!
5. I can't believe in global warming! Guys I have tried to see this point of view (please don't' toilet paper my house now!!!)
6. I can't sleep in the day.... no matter how tired I am!
7. I can't be an awesome super hero! No matter how hard I have tried!
1. " good Gandhi!"
2. "Once upon a time"
3. "P.S." (thanks Jen!!! hee hee)
4. "Remember that one time"
5. "Thank you for calling Standard Optical, your LASIK specialist, this is Leah, how may I help you today?" (oh work..... )
6. " I probably shouldn't have said that...."
7. "You dwarf digger!"
1. People popping their knuckles, seriously makes me want to vomit!!!
2. People chewing with their mouth open, and all loudly and grossly, oh my gosh!!! Learn some manners!!!!
3. Old people driving... the roads are hazardous enough without you on the road....
4. Eliza jumping above my room at 6:30 AM when I am trying so very hard to sleep....
5. Belching, of any kind, it makes me nauseous....
6. Feminists! You ruined my life.....
7. Political agenda of any kind... Especially in little kids movies... Like Walli... I walked out in the first five minutes. I came to be entertained not to have your opinion shoved down my throat........ Through my eyes no less!!!
1. My family! How did I get so lucky? Love you all!!!
2. Friends! Seriously thanks for putting up with me and loving me anyway!
3. Holidays! I love when people use that excuse to be so loving and kind!
4. Being in Musicals! I love it!!! (men singing for that matter, a good male voice, and I melt!)
5. Robyn's Caramel Corn... oh so good!!!
6. Babies, and kids, so pure, and innocent
7. Just sitting around with people I love, and laughing.... oh!!!! and eating really good food!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Leah Updates

So update on me..... Robyn made me do this! ;) I am working... and I don't know what to do.... I am the manager of Standard Optical in Sandy. I have been doing that for awhile. I moved into a new ward which is really fun! I love my new ward! They are so nice there! Caleb and Ashley, Anna Lisa and Kingi, and Rob and Tamara all had their babies! Exciting I am an aunt four times! So I decided time to do something with my life so I am going back to school to get my bachelors in Theatre Arts, I think it's called... anyway to become a high school drama teacher! That would be fun! You think? I love being single... I think I have done a blog on that before, it is really fun, you meet new people and do new things! But I am available for being set up! Let me know! ;)
Tamara and Rob's baby Orianna Lilly Bates
Caleb and Ashley's baby Adelaide May Van Bloem
This was beautiful people, beautiful clothes night! I was so honored to be invited!
I hope I passed!
Oklahoma! Thanks to all the people who were able to come, meant a lot. L-R Mica Me and Lacey! Dance practice!
I played Gertie, and may I jsut say... My laugh... bugged me!

Anna Lisa and Kingi's baby, Meliame Renee Brown
This is my mom at our Van Bloem Family Reunion in Canada! We had a blast!

Me and my cousins and Paul! VB Family Reunion 08'
Paul Eliza and I headed on up! What a long drive......
This is the best sign! Yes I am a republican.... Very much so....
Anna Lisa's new little one. Meliame Renee Brown! She is so pretty! Look at those lips!