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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weddings are overwhelming when they are your own!

So as many of you have figured out, I am getting married, and I just have to say, this whole wedding thing is a joke. I have planned and helped plan NUMEROUS weddings! They are so fun, and everything is lovely! Then it was my own.... I hate this.... Way harder then I anticipated. Good thing I love Jeff, or I may never have done this! Or stopped in the middle. I think weddings are a bug joke planned by our parents to help weed out the people that don't really mean it. And to let us who do mean it see what we'll be like when something else stresses us out later, like a garden. I think planting a garden together would be hard..... Maybe not! ha ha ha! Luckily I have the most mature, calm, kind, and devoted man on the planet. He just hugs me when I cry about stupid people in the wedding industry, and how poor I am! ha ha ha! Anyway, other then the wedding, it's been good, our house it so much fun, and Jeff is hot! Lucky me! :)

We had our bridals/groomals taken. I just can't imagine having that many picturs of myself hanging around. What would I do with them? I mean really? Who needs that many pictures of themselves? Most my friends just keep them in a box, and don't look at them. So I took him with me, and they were amazing. I had Angela McAllister take them and she is phenomenal. I love her to death! My sister Anna Lisa came and helped me have enough lip gloss! Seriously that girl! *click* "LEAH!!!! You need more lipgloss!!!!"
"Anna Lisa..... I have enough..." "NO!!! YOU DON'T!!!!" But that was her job right? Ha ha ha!

I am so excited for the wedding to actually happen though! I love people, and I hope you are all there! YAY!
