Anniversary Ticker

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our honeymoon

I just realized I didn't put very many pics up of our fun trip to Yellowstone for two days and the AWESOME cabin Jeff's parents let us stay in! Oh man that place RULES and was very fun!


We have had so much fun decorating our house. We have great friends the Thalin's who have taken us under their wings and helped us with decorating our home! That woman's house is like walking into Santa's workshop and she shared some of Santa's leftovers with us! Also Jeff's brother Greg and his wife Jenny gave us their old Christmas tree so we would have one this year! I love being home and everything feeling so FESTIVE! I love Christmas!

The Johnstons

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Many thanks to Robyn! and RH Negative Blood!

Robyn was kind enough to give my page a makeover..... I know it needed it! Stuff to write about... I don't know! I am not a big blogger because I am convinced that the world will be bored to tears about what I have to think about.

Well something I think more people need to be aware of is HR negative blood type. I wish people had let me know about this issue! It was a major factor in our miscarriage and because of our lack of knowledge and a really bad blunder by the AF Hospital we are more likely to lose our next baby!

If you are Rh-negative, you may develop antibodies to an Rh-positive baby. If a small amount of the baby's blood mixes with your blood, which often happens, your body may respond as if it were allergic to the baby. Your body may make antibodies to the Rh antigens in the baby's blood. This means you have become sensitized and your antibodies can cross the placenta and attack your baby's blood. They break down the fetus's red blood cells and produce anemia (the blood has a low number of red blood cells). This condition is called hemolytic disease or hemolytic anemia. It can become severe enough to cause serious illness, brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn. Fortunately, Rh sensitization is preventable with an immunization shot called Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg, or Rhogam™) that is taken at intervals throughout the pregnancy. Since the development of RhIg, in 1968, we have seen fewer and fewer mothers who are Rh sensitized.

Interesting Facts:

*It is impossible to clone Rh Negative people and blood.

*Rh-factor protein is divided among races. Fifteen percent of whites are Rh negative, 5 to 10 percent of African Americans are Rh negative, and 1 to 2 percent of Asians are negative for the protein.

*Those with the highest Rh-negative rate are a branch of people in Europe called the Basques. Basques have almost double the European rate (which is abnormally high to begin with) of Rh-negative people.

*Those with O- RH Negative blood can give to ANY blood type but can only receive blood from people with their same blood type.

*There are a lot of crazy theories and beliefs about RH Negative Blood!
Such as:
a)People claim from the Biblical quotes that, Rh-negative blood originated from the Watcher angels who interbred with human women during the pre-flood era, eventually producing giants known as nephilims. The watcher angels were quoted as such in the book of Enoch and as "sons of God" in Genesis 6,4. The allele pattern of this genetic survival has led to speculations of Rh-negative genes passed on to Enoch, Noah and the post-flood humanity. The blood of Jesus is sourced as Rh-negative (AB) from the shroud evidence.
b)Besides claims of aristocratic lineages in European history, "blue blood" and various other dubious claims in the past linking to Rh-negative, Peter whom Jesus had given the keys to heaven was quoted as saying that "we will be judging angels".
c)They believe we all have these things in common, which we DON'T!
There are certain similarities that occur to those having rh negative blood - according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:
1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes
2. true red or reddish hair
3. low pulse rate
4. low blood pressure
5. keen sight or hearing
6. ESP
7. extra rib or vertebrae
8. UFO connections
9. love of space and science
10. a sense of not belonging to the human race
11. piercing eyes
12. para-normal occurrences
13. physic dreams
14. truth seekers
15. desire for higher wisdom
16. empathetic illnesses
17. deep compassion for fate of mankind
18. a sense of a 'mission' in life
19. physic abilities
20. unexplained scars on body
21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances
22. alien contacts

d)Believe that human bloodlines were manipulated by the fallen angels, some call aliens.

e)Believe rh- is a angelic trait, passed to us by The Watchers.(Angels, they believe Angels came down and took women to wife and we are their descendants!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I am sure a lot of you have heard, but we lost our little one. We are sad but we know that we will see our little one again. There have been so many problems with this and physical stuff I have been up against. But the good news is things are looking up today. I am just so glad I have a husband who is strong, caring, thoughtful and supportive. I would never have been able to survive something like this without someone like him.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Life's Little Turns

I though I would post some pictures of our honeymoon! We went to Island Park and then to Yellowstone for a couple of days! I LOVED IT! So relaxing and fun! We saw buffalo among other crazy animals! I can't believe I have always been so close to such an amazing place and never seen it! There is bubbling mud there! Like in Laberinth! (I don't know how to spell that movie) Anyway! Married life rules, only becuase I married the right man! If I hadn't I think being married would be the hardest thing in the world! Poor people who do that! But the point is I'm happy and I love my husband and we are super happy and he is super kind and thoughtful and leaves me love notes and I LOVE him!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Weddings are overwhelming when they are your own!

So as many of you have figured out, I am getting married, and I just have to say, this whole wedding thing is a joke. I have planned and helped plan NUMEROUS weddings! They are so fun, and everything is lovely! Then it was my own.... I hate this.... Way harder then I anticipated. Good thing I love Jeff, or I may never have done this! Or stopped in the middle. I think weddings are a bug joke planned by our parents to help weed out the people that don't really mean it. And to let us who do mean it see what we'll be like when something else stresses us out later, like a garden. I think planting a garden together would be hard..... Maybe not! ha ha ha! Luckily I have the most mature, calm, kind, and devoted man on the planet. He just hugs me when I cry about stupid people in the wedding industry, and how poor I am! ha ha ha! Anyway, other then the wedding, it's been good, our house it so much fun, and Jeff is hot! Lucky me! :)

We had our bridals/groomals taken. I just can't imagine having that many picturs of myself hanging around. What would I do with them? I mean really? Who needs that many pictures of themselves? Most my friends just keep them in a box, and don't look at them. So I took him with me, and they were amazing. I had Angela McAllister take them and she is phenomenal. I love her to death! My sister Anna Lisa came and helped me have enough lip gloss! Seriously that girl! *click* "LEAH!!!! You need more lipgloss!!!!"
"Anna Lisa..... I have enough..." "NO!!! YOU DON'T!!!!" But that was her job right? Ha ha ha!

I am so excited for the wedding to actually happen though! I love people, and I hope you are all there! YAY!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I won't miss you at all!!!

So I know you all were so kind as you helped me prepare for my mission! I appreciate all you have done for me, and how you all have helped me feel support and love from my family and friends! But I think you all should know that I won't miss you, not a single one of you....

Because, well I am not going! I am getting married to a wonderful man named Jeffrey Scott Johnston.

I know I made a joke about it, but it really isn't very funny, because it was one of the hardest most difficult decisions I have made in a really long time. I knew that I had received an answer to my prayers about leaving and so when I started feeling hesitation about leaving I was very confused. I didn't trust myself after what happened with previous experiences concerning marriage, and so it was a long five days as I prayed, fasted, and visited the temple.

Jeff is a wonderful man, who loves me so much! He is so thoughtful and caring. He thinks about my needs way more then his own, and I wonder quite often how this whole thing came about! I mean, I didn't see this coming but now that I have made the decision, I feel very confident and at peace about my life.

We have not set a date or anything, but since I was to leave to the MTC tomorrow I thought I should explain a little about why I am not gone. People might start asking questions and stuff.....

We are not officially engaged, we are just betrothed for now. He was very happy that I chose to stay home, but was surprised as we both were planning on my leaving instead of staying. Before I was supposed to leave on my mission he gave me a beautiful diamond ring (that was supposed to remind me of him, while I was gone.) That is what I am wearing till I get the official question asked of me, but he has talked with my mom, and man she GRILLED him! Poor thing!

He was so supportive and cute! He had me pick out paint for our house, so he could paint it the colors I loved while I was gone, and we picked out what we wanted the yard to look like (so he could be to busy to date all those other girls!) and everything! What a thoughtful guy!

We first started dating around December and he was working on a show, so we didn't get to see each other except once a week, and he started wooing me with e-mails, but now I am kind of glad that happened because I have wonderful letters showing the progress of our relationship and it make me smile! He was a really good wooer! Hee! Hee!

Anyway, things have just continued to slowly grow and progress, and I have never felt more secure, safe, or trusting in a relationship, and I know that we wouldn't be where we are today if I had not put in my papers, and we hadn't experienced what we did!

If you have questions, or just want to catch up, call me! It's probably been too long anyway! Oh my gosh, I am going to be Leah Johnston!

Because we thought that I was going to leave, we tried to cram 18 months of dating into 5 months! We have done a BUNCH of fun things in the mean time, and I am going to post some of the pictures of those experiences! Woo hoo!